Clean Energy could create over 50,000 new jobs

Posted @ May 5th 2020 8:33am - By GCPN Admin
Clean Energy






The Clean Energy Council’s ‘A Clean Recovery’ outlines a plan to utilise Australia’s extraordinary renewable energy and energy storage potential to jumpstart Australia’s economic resurgence. The Clean Energy Council says that the current pipeline of investment could create over 50,000 new jobs, lower power prices, and inject over $50 billion worth of investment to revitalise economic activity in regional and rural communities.

Clean Energy Council Chief Executive Kane Thornton said that ‘A Clean Recovery’ is an opportunity to transform Australia forever, cementing the nation’s position as a clean energy superpower.

“There are currently hundreds of large-scale wind and solar projects that have been identified with planning approval and are well placed to proceed quickly. Bringing forward these projects could deliver over $50 billion of investment, more than 30,000 MW of capacity and more than 50,000 new jobs in constructing these projects, along with many more indirect jobs.”

Source: The Clean Energy Council

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