South East Queensland Australia is a rapidly growing region

Posted @ Apr 14th 2016 8:22am - By Admin GCPN
27042009029 21

Some very interesting information is contained in the Governments South East Queensland Regional Plan (SEQRP)

And here are some very positive reasons to agree with them.

South East Queensland is a strong, resilient and diversified economy with growing prosperity in the region by utilising its competitive advantages to deliver:


  1. Exports
  2. Investment
  3. Sustainable and Accessible Jobs

South East Queensland is the main economic engine for Queensland.

In recent years, the economy of the region has been growing faster than the Australian average, driven mainly by consumption as a result of its high population growth.

The regional economy is not homogenous, but is overwhelmingly a services economy.

There are variations in employment and economic activity throughout the region.

To sustain living standards it is necessary to strengthen and diversify the region’s economy and raise productivity.

Accordingly, the region’s capacity to create jobs and support the preferred pattern of development requires specific sub-regional strategies and initiatives.

These will focus attention on:

  • Encouraging skills to support industry and regional growth
  • Developing an entrepreneurial culture including increased integration into the global economy
  • Continuing to provide land for industry and economic activity that creates employment close to where people live
  • Preserving the region’s natural economic advantages
  • Diversifying the region’s economic base.

The economic development initiatives reflected in the SEQRP are underpinned by the Queensland Government’s Smart Queensland: Smart State Strategy 2005-2015.

This Strategy identifies investment in:

  • Research
  • Development
  • Technology diffusion
  • Commercialisation of ideas.

It also includes investments in:

  • Knowledge
  • Skills
  • Diversity
  • Creativity
  • Connectivity

These are all key mechanisms to achieve increased productivity and a better quality of life.

The SEQRP 2009 to 2031 is a 164 page document containing some very interesting facts, figures and forecasted projections:



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