Air travel from the Gold Coast to Hong Kong direct

Posted @ Mar 2nd 2016 9:30am - By Admin GCPN
27042009029 8



The Gold Coast has just been given another significant addition with Hong Kong Airlines announcing it has set in place a permanent flight between the Gold Coast and Hong Kong twice weekly with flights will commence from April 2016. As from July the service will then jump to three flights weekly.

Airline Chief Commercial Officer Li Dianchun said: “We firmly believe the year-round service will further enhance the cultural, tourism and business exchange between China, Asia and Australia via our strong international hub Hong Kong, bringing into full play our connectivity in this part of the world.”

Gold Coast Tourism chief executive Martin Winter welcomed the news and said “These scheduled services represent a significant increase in access to the Gold Coast from China’s tier one and two cities via Hong Kong Airlines’ extensive regional network, providing yet another opportunity to build on the Gold Coast’s share of Australia’s highest yielding international market, China,”

Mr. Winter also said, “The significant upscaling of these services from an 11-week charter program to a year-round scheduled service is testament to the airline’s belief in the continued growth of China and the growing appeal of our destination for Chinese travelers.”



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