July 2004 News Archive

Home Ownership Determines Wealth

News 4
Posted at 21 July, 2004

Study shows home ownership determines wealth. The National Centre for Social and Economic Modeling at the Australian National University (ANU) in Canberra has just completed a study on home ownership in Australia and the results indicate home ownership, r...

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Boom Still Strong in Queensland

News 2
Posted at 15 July, 2004

Economic boom may keep rates low, a panel of 20 leading business and economic forecasters, brought together by The Age newspaper has found Australias current economic boom is set to continue for at least another 12 months.......

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MBA Confirm Strong Market

News 1
Posted at 15 July, 2004

According to Master Builders Australia (MBA), the peak body for the building and construction industry, the Australian housing sector is entering an uncertain period but, despite this, the MBA believe there is nothing to suggest the market will experience......

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What the Banks say

Posted at 01 July, 2004

A research study published by the Geneva based Bank of International Settlements said central banks, including the Reserve Bank of Australia, should express their inflation objectives over a longer period, so they have the latitude to increase interest ra......

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