September 2004 News Archive

Islands So Cheap

News 16
Posted at 01 October, 2004

There are many private islands on the Australian property market at present including Little Green Island off Mackay which will be auctioned very soon, is expected to fetch around $2m to $2.5 million. Other idyllic choices range from the 16.......

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A bright future ahead

News 15
Posted at 01 October, 2004

The Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) has decided this week to keep interest rates on hold given the recent softening in Australian economic data, but now the Federal election is out of the way and the Liberal Party has maintained control the out-look is br......

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Home loans rise

News 14
Posted at 11 September, 2004

The number of home loans issued in Australia increased in the last three months by 1.8 per cent to 103,149, up on the previous quarter.......

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Construction takes a rest

News 13
Posted at 07 September, 2004

After three years of near record home building across the country, the residential construction industry in Australia will pause for breath before staging a comeback in 2007 according to a report released this week by the Housing Industry Association (HIA......

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Strong growth for house prices

News 12
Posted at 01 September, 2004

The Real Estate Institute of Australia (REIA) have just released their June quarter median house price data which showed house price growth slowed over the June 2004 quarter but remained strong between June 2003 and June 2004.......

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Home Loans Declining Affordability

News 11
Posted at 01 September, 2004

According to the latest AMP Banking/Real Estate Institute of Australia (REIA) Home Loan Affordability Report, home loan affordability fell nationally during the June 2004 quarter.......

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