October 2004 News Archive

Imports and Dollar strong so No Rate rise

News 18
Posted at 01 November, 2004

Home borrowers have again been spared an interest rate rise this week in spite of another surge in imports, and economists believe we can breathe easy until well into next year.......

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News 17
Posted at 14 October, 2004

The property market may be tightening in some areas, but Australians are undertaking home renovations in near record numbers.......

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Islands So Cheap

News 16
Posted at 01 October, 2004

There are many private islands on the Australian property market at present including Little Green Island off Mackay which will be auctioned very soon, is expected to fetch around $2m to $2.5 million. Other idyllic choices range from the 16.......

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A bright future ahead

News 15
Posted at 01 October, 2004

The Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) has decided this week to keep interest rates on hold given the recent softening in Australian economic data, but now the Federal election is out of the way and the Liberal Party has maintained control the out-look is br......

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