January 2005 News Archive

Overseas Buyers Attracted to Value in Australia

News 29
Posted at 01 February, 2005

Real estate continues to be the focal point of foreign investment in Australia, with total foreign investment in Australian real estate increasing to $28.7 billion in 2003-04, a rise from $21.9 billion the previous year.......

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SEQ Government Regional Plan

News 28
Posted at 01 February, 2005

Queensland Premier Peter Beattie said the South East Queensland [SEQ] Regional Plan has been compiled to ensure the region remained one of the greenest urbanised areas in the world, while catering for strong population growth and future prosperity.......

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Building Activity Report

News 27
Posted at 01 January, 2005

Residential building activity stabilised in the third quarter of 2004, adding to the already record pipeline of work yet to be done, according to figures released this week showing that, despite a fall in total building activity in the September 2004 quar......

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Immigration Healthy

News 26
Posted at 01 January, 2005

The number of migrants and refugees arriving in Australia has increased by 60 per cent in the past ten years, and nearly one in four of Australia's 20 million people were born overseas, new figures show this week.......

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Property comparisons over five years

News 25
Posted at 01 January, 2005

The Real Estate Institute of Australia (REIA) has released its annual summary of the residential and commercial property markets, including all leading property market indicators for the year 2003-04, with comparisons over the past five years.......

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