January 2006 News Archive

Population Over 240 people per week can’t be wrong

News 51
Posted at 01 February, 2006

New figures just released by the Australia Bureau of Statistics [ABS] revealed that more than 240 people are moving to the Gold Coast every week, only Brisbane has recorded a greater population boom beating every other capital city.......

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Prestige Apartments on Record High

News 50
Posted at 01 February, 2006

New figures have shown a spending spree on luxury beach front apartments on the Gold Coast and there is no end in site. The 15 level Jade development has recorded prices from $4,500,000.00 to $5,900,000.......

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First Home Buyers Move In

News 49
Posted at 01 January, 2006

There are more Australians taking the step and buying their first home than have done so in the past two years, assisted by high employment levels and relatively stable mortgage finance rates.......

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Australian Economy Remains Steady

News 48
Posted at 01 January, 2006

Growth in the Australian economy is likely to remain steady in the near future, according to the University of Melbourne's Associate Professor Mark Crosby, who spoke last month at the Melbourne Institute Economics Forum.......

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