November 2006 News Archive

Housing Affordability Crisis

News 66
Posted at 01 December, 2006

Australia's housing affordability crisis is set to worsen if steps are taken to reduce the attractiveness of tax concessions on investment properties, according to property research consultancy Matusik Property Insights.......

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Construction remains flat

News 65
Posted at 01 December, 2006

Figures released today show that residential construction failed to grow at all in the September quarter. Low affordability stifled any hope of a sustained recovery for home building, according to the Housing Industry Association.......

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.25% Interest Rate Rise

News 64
Posted at 01 November, 2006

The Reserve Bank's decision today to raise official interest rates for the third time in six months has been criticised by the Housing Industry Association, which claims it will only inflict more pain on Australia's housing industry.......

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