October 2008 News Archive

Coast market lull 'will be short-lived' ??

News 111
Posted at 01 November, 2008

THE lull being experienced in the Australian property market will be short-lived as investors move to secure property and to take advantage of drop in property prices and interest rates, a Gold Coast property seminar has heard.......

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Down Market Great Market

News 109
Posted at 01 October, 2008

Well we are in a slump there's no doubt about it, things are slow and confidence is down in some areas but the light at the end of the tunnel is blindingly bright with good times ahead.......

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We have lift off

News 107
Posted at 01 October, 2008

The Australian Government today announced a First Home Owners Boost to ensure first home buyers will be eligible for grants of up to $21,000.......

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