April 2011 News Archive

Stockland pulls plug on high-rises

News 167
Posted at 01 May, 2011

PROPERTY developer Stockland has pulled out of high-rise apartment building despite predicting that another 14 million people will need to be housed in Australia by 2050.......

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Biggest home price slump in 12 years

News 166
Posted at 01 May, 2011

CAPITAL city home prices have posted their biggest quarterly fall in at least 12 years, as more stock in the housing market allows prospective buyers to wait for bargains, a survey shows. Capital city dwelling values fell by a seasonally adjusted 2.......

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Good News for Buyers and Sellers

News 165
Posted at 01 April, 2011

The good news for Buyers is that they are in the driver's seat with the well-publicised buyer's market that we are presently experiencing. But Beware: It won't last forever.......

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