December 2012 News Archive

Wave of Chinese investors

News 208
Posted at 01 January, 2013

There is a wave of Chinese investors about to inundate the Australian real estate sector with billions of dollars. Chinese insurance companies have just made public their long-awaited updated regulations surrounding investment in overseas assets.......

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Home buyers priced out of capital cities

News 207
Posted at 01 January, 2013

Despite the two-year old property slump, buyers continue to struggle to find homes for less than $500,000 in the inner suburbs of many of Australia's largest cities.......

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RBA cut the official cash rate to 3 percent

News 206
Posted at 01 December, 2012

Borrowers have been given an early dose of Christmas cheer with the Reserve Bank delivering a 0.25 percent rate cut at its December board meeting.......

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Housing Finance Data

News 205
Posted at 01 December, 2012

The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) released Housing Finance data for September 2012 showed that the total number of owner occupier housing finance commitments rose by 0.9% over the month. This figure was comprised of a 0.......

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