January 2014 News Archive

Gold Coast economy continues to improve

News 234
Posted at 01 February, 2014

The Gold Coast economy continues to improve with confidence and cash being injected from all areas of national and international investors.......

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Queensland-Housing shows the way in the non-mining recovery

News 233
Posted at 01 February, 2014

The Reserve Bank of Australia has today kept the cash rate at 2.5%, highlighting which hopefully signals an improved outlook for the Australian and Global economies.......

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South East Queensland Australia next property-real-estate to see strong growth

News 232
Posted at 01 January, 2014

According to many economists, property-real-estate statistical data, and property monitors, South East Queensland, and in particular Brisbane and the corridor from Brisbane to the Gold Coast will be the next area to enjoy a property boom with strong growt......

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Brisbane and Gold Coast Queensland Australia Best Valued Property Real-Estate

News 231
Posted at 01 January, 2014

Investors are getting the better returns in property than they are getting in other asset classes which are not as strong as those that have been available in property real-estate over the last 12 to 18 months Even though Sydney has led the nation's media......

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