May 2014 News Archive

Queensland has new Real Estate Legislation on the way

News 241
Posted at 01 June, 2014

Queensland has new Real Estate Legislation, which includes the abolishment of maximum commission rates and warning statements. Separating the Property Agents and Motor Dealers Act has meant the property industry now has specific individual legislation.......

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What happening in the budget?

News 240
Posted at 01 June, 2014

In the Governments latest Federal Budget, High Income Earners will be happy but the news wasn't so good for Seniors, First Home Buyers, and those needing Public Housing There were no negative gearing cut's in the latest Federal Budget which is very good n......

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Recent study by Australian Bank predicts future capital growth in property real-estate

News 239
Posted at 01 May, 2014

A recent study by National Australia Bank (NAB) supports predictions of future capital growth, the bank's Residential Property Index results for the first three months of this year recorded an increase of one point to 37 points, plus there is a range of s......

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Cash to Australian Property Real-Estate by Chinese means interest rate not so effective

News 238
Posted at 01 May, 2014

The continuing injection of cash into the Australian Property Real-Estate market by Chinese investors looks to be resulting in the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) loosing the ability to use the official interest rate to protect Australian investors agains......

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