June 2014 News Archive

Huge Coomera Town Centre

News 243
Posted at 01 July, 2014

Huge Coomera Town Centre on the way for South East Queensland The first retail stage of the massive Coomera Town Centre which is due to be built right beside Dream World and the Coomera Railway Station has been given the green light by the Gold Coast Coun......

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House prices rise on average by $30,000

News 242
Posted at 01 July, 2014

The latest figures reveal by RP Data-Rismark June Hedonic Home Value Index shows values for Brisbane going up by 7% during the past year and 1.3% during June alone.......

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Queensland has new Real Estate Legislation on the way

News 241
Posted at 01 June, 2014

Queensland has new Real Estate Legislation, which includes the abolishment of maximum commission rates and warning statements. Separating the Property Agents and Motor Dealers Act has meant the property industry now has specific individual legislation.......

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What happening in the budget?

News 240
Posted at 01 June, 2014

In the Governments latest Federal Budget, High Income Earners will be happy but the news wasn't so good for Seniors, First Home Buyers, and those needing Public Housing There were no negative gearing cut's in the latest Federal Budget which is very good n......

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