June 2015 News Archive

South East Queensland housing growth escalates

News 263
Posted at 01 July, 2015

South East Queensland housing growth escalates and there's more to come According the Master Builders Association the conditions in the housing sector for South East Queensland is very positive indeed.......

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THE Gold Coast is about to enjoy direct flights to Hong Kong

News 264
Posted at 01 July, 2015

THE Gold Coast is about to enjoy direct flights to Hong Kong The Tourism Minister Kate Jones recently confirmed that Hong Kong Airlines will operate its first Australian service in January 2016 with a direct route from Hong Kong to the Gold Coast.......

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Capital Growth areas identified as the property golden triangle for buyers

News 256
Posted at 06 June, 2015

Property powerhouse John McGrath says there's only one place in all of Australasia to be buying real estate right now, and that's in South East Queensland. "Right now, you can lock in the cheapest money you have ever been able to borrow.......

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South East Queensland Property Sector is slowly bouncing back

News 255
Posted at 02 June, 2015

South East Queensland Property Sector is showing positive signs of picking up again after the Global Financial Crisis hit it seven years ago. There has been a turnaround in tourism and construction with net jobs growth also picking up.......

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Brisbane and Gold Coast construction cranes show growth

News 254
Posted at 02 June, 2015

Cranes on the skyline of Brisbane and the Gold Coast are a healthy sign of a growing economy. In 2012 there weren't too many cranes across both cities skyline which obviously indicate a very sluggish economy.......

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