May 2018 News Archive

Queensland to top 5 million residents as northern migration from southern states continues

Population Cue
Posted at 09 May, 2018

Queensland has reaffirmed itself as the population magnet for New South Wales and Victorian residents, a dramatic turnaround of interstate migration, not seen in over a decade.......

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The Gold Coast is the most popular City for Queensland Real Estate

Burleigh To Surfers 3
Posted at 09 May, 2018

This has been the biggest jump in prices across the State since 2017 with figures from the Real Estate Institute of Queensland (REIQ) show the median house price on the Gold Coast grew 7.7% last year to $615,000.......

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Green Concrete Set to Revolutionise the Construction Industry

Green Concrete
Posted at 09 May, 2018

As the growing demand from Australia's infrastructure sector pushes up the cost of base materials such as concrete and steel nationwide, scientists may have found a way to develop concrete that is cheaper, stronger and more environmentally-friendly.......

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