February 2021 News Archive

Queensland property is booming

Monopoly Homes
Posted at 24 February, 2021

. . . . . Westpac's senior economist Matthew Hassan said the state's markets were now very tight with "sales running well ahead of listings and extremely tight rental vacancy rates in most areas" tipping the market into a boom.......

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The CBA is forecasting a surge in House prices of 16% and Unit prices of 9%

Price Growth
Posted at 16 February, 2021

. . . . . The Commonwealth Bank (CBA) is forecasting a surge in house prices over the next two years of up to 16%, while unit price-growth will be more muted at 9%.......

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Gold Coast Property Capital Growth with strong Rental Demand and Returns

Gold Coast Sunrise Jan 2021
Posted at 04 February, 2021

. . . . . We have seen some of the strongest signs of stability, growth and demand in the Gold Coast's Property Market through the pandemic, due to the Gold Coast's clean warm healthy climate and liveability aspects.......

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