May 2023 News Archive

Home values rise for the 3rd month in a row.

Posted at 01 June, 2023

CoreLogic's national Home Value Index (HVI) has recorded a third consecutive monthly rise, with the pace of growth accelerating sharply to 1.2% in May. After finding a floor in February, home values increased 0.6% and 0.......

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Interest rates up to 3.85% and some Off-The-Plan Buyers nervous.

Posted at 05 May, 2023

Interest rates up to 3.85% and Off-The-Plan Buyers nervous. With the RBA raising the interest rate to 3.......

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Delusional state or is the Property Market living the Dream.

Posted at 02 May, 2023

Delusional state or is the Property Market living the Dream. There have been several reports from the finance and property sectors recently, stating that "Australia's housing downturn is over" .......

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