Australia’s Gold Coast Commonwealth Games Village a Beautiful Livable Space

Posted @ Apr 1st 2014 7:26pm - By GCPN Property Network
News 236

Building is expected to start in 2015 on the Commonwealth Games Village on the Gold Coast and it will be a highly sought address after the Games, Queensland's premier says.

Plans for the athletes' village for the 2018 Commonwealth Games were revealed recently showing how the 29-hectare Parklands site, near Southport, will be transformed over the next four years.

While the site will initially house the 6500 athletes and officials during the Games, Queensland Premier Campbell Newman is confident the legacy of the site will continue long past the two weeks in 2018.

"The quality of the architecture that you'll see means that this will be a sought-after place to live after the Games," Mr Newman told reporters.

"It's very high quality, great urban planning and great public open space, with seven hectares of the 29-hectare site being open space.

"It'll be a place that people want to live."

The project, the largest infrastructure project for the Games, will create about 1500 jobs and up to $500 million for the local economy.

More than 1200 permanent apartments will be built as well as a retail centre, which the Queensland state Government plans to rent after the Games before gradually selling the properties off.




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