Confidence Returning

Posted @ Oct 1st 2010 4:50pm - By GCPN Property Network
News 153

If confidence in a market is enough to keep it buoyant, then the Gold Coast outlook is as sparkling as champagne.

Real estate agents are positive; researchers are putting a Gold Coast lining on the global cloud; banks are coming to the party keeping interest rates on hold and non-bank lenders are falling over themselves to offer cheaper products which appeal to the first-home buyers who may have missed the bonus boat.

And while sellers in a shy market beg: 'show me the money', the solution and a sale are in their hands. You just need to meet the market.

Just as in the fat times when sellers were happy to boost their asking price and values by thousands a week a situation which saw prices double in the years from 2000 to 2004 sellers now need to recognise that the bandwagon has passed them by. So if they are genuine about selling in today's market, they need to meet that market.




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