Delusional state or is the Property Market living the Dream.

Posted @ May 2nd 2023 10:30am - By GCPN Admin

Delusional state or is the Property Market living the Dream.

There have been several reports from the finance and property sectors recently, stating that “Australia’s housing downturn is over”


Wow, I must be living in a delusional state?

  • I am looking at a significant number of Builders going into receivership or suffering on the brink of collapse?
  • Finance experts reporting a huge number of Mortgagee-Defaults on the horizon?
  • A huge undersupply of affordable homes which is leaving thousands of Australians sleeping out in the cold streets?
  • Local Governments and Councils refusing to release land subdivisions which have been submitted well over 12 months ago and urgently needed, but still not approved?
  • Our young people and working-class unable to secure their own homes?

So, it’s difficult to see serious long-term evidence that Australia’s housing downturn is over?

The rich are getting richer, while our young and working-class Australians are forced into modern day slavery by surrendering most of their wages to their landlords, and becoming permanent tenants for the wealthy Australians and the Foreign Investors who are financially able to purchase properties with ease and then demand overpriced rents with a big broad smile to those who can least afford it!!!


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