Down Market Great Market

Posted @ Oct 1st 2008 3:26pm - By GCPN Property Network
News 109

Well we are in a slump there’s no doubt about it, things are slow and confidence is down in some areas but the light at the end of the tunnel is blindingly bright with good times ahead.

Our population rate is still strong plus the Queensland Governments relief for first home buyers by removing the stamp duty for properties under $500,000.00 and the expected drop in interest rates in the near future has definitely sparked up a large number of prospective purchases.

If you are looking to purchase a property, you are in the driver’s seat and that’s for sure but things aren’t all that bad because if you’re wanting to sell there are buyers out there and all you have to be is realistic with your asking price.

“Just remember that you are buying and selling in the same market” so you can replace a property easily.




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