Gold Coast - One way to grow -Up

Posted @ Aug 1st 2009 4:02pm - By GCPN Property Network
News 126

The South East Queensland Regional Plan 2009-2031, released yesterday, says almost 300,000 newcomers are expected to try to squeeze into the southeast corner of the state in the next 22 years.

To house them will take 143,000 new dwellings.

Broad acre undeveloped land is expected to provide about 32,000 dwellings but that is expected to run out by about 2016.

That leaves about 97,000 dwellings to be built on 'infill' land -- existing areas already zoned and in some cases occupied by housing. The report does not say where the remaining dwellings will be built.

Releasing the 160-page report, Infrastructure and Planning Minister Stirling Hinchliffe said the plan 'struck a balance between population growth and protecting our lifestyle' but also drew a firm line between development land and that protected from development.

"The plan makes sure there is adequate land for development while safeguarding 85 per cent of the land from development," he said.

This would be achieved through the creation of high-density living areas with 'at least' 15 dwellings per hectare in 'infrastructure-rich' areas already defined by local councils.

Mr Hinchliffe said he would protect the 'great back yard' as a housing option 'for as long as I'm around' but said it was impossible to have the great backyard option over the entire region 'without creating the (urban) sprawl we are trying to avoid -- without damaging the 85 per cent of the region being protected'.




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