Gold Coast Property Capital Growth with strong Rental Demand and Returns

Posted @ Feb 4th 2021 12:57pm - By GCPN Admin
Gold Coast Sunrise Jan 2021






We have seen some of the strongest signs of stability, growth and demand in the Gold Coast’s Property Market through the pandemic, due to the Gold Coast’s clean warm healthy climate and liveability aspects.

The migration, and the enquiry from Families Australia wide wanting to migrate is getting stronger as Families plan to move from large cluster communities such as the larger cities.

Rental demand and assured rental yields make for a perfect opportunity with investors reaping rewards with long term investment security and financial rewards.

According to CoreLogic’s national home value index is up 0.9% over the month of January 2021 and has seen housing values continued to rise. Housing values have surpassed pre-COVID levels by 1.0% and the index is 0.7% higher than the previous September 2017 peak.

Capital city and broad rest-of-state region recorded a rise in housing values over the month, ranging from a 2.3% surge across Darwin to a relatively mild 0.4% rise in Sydney and Melbourne.

Continuing a trend that became evident early in the pandemic, regional housing values rose at more than twice the pace of the capital city markets.

CoreLogic’s combined regionals index was up 1.6% over the month, while capital city values were 0.7% higher.  Since the onset of COVID-19 in March last year, regional housing values have surged 6.5% higher while capital city housing values are down -0.2% over the same time frame.

According to CoreLogic’s research director, Tim Lawless, the divergence between metro and regional housing demand in New South Wales and Victoria is more substantial than in other states.  “Internal migration data shows more people are leaving Sydney and Melbourne for regional areas, resulting in a transition of activity from the metro regions to the outer fringe and regional markets.  This demographic trend is further compounded by the demand shock of stalled overseas migration. As Melbourne and Sydney historically receive the vast majority of overseas migrants, these metro areas have been the hardest hit by this demand shock.”

“Better housing affordability, an opportunity for a lifestyle upgrade and lower density housing options are other factors that might be contributing to this trend, along with the newfound popularity of remote working arrangements.”

Source: CoreLogic & GCPN


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