Rising costs are hurting builders

Posted @ Apr 1st 2012 5:57pm - By GCPN Property Network
News 185

A REPORT released by Master Builders shows the rising cost of building a new home is adversely affecting building activity and housing affordability.

Investors and home buyers are opting for existing housing as costs were rising but a lot of them were due to environmental regulations, such as compulsory water tanks.

"People are certainly getting value for money, they're getting more home but it costs more to build that,"

It's things like water tanks for example that add extra costs because associated with them there are the obvious extras such as plumbing and installing.

Sustainable elements contributed to higher building costs and to make homes more energy efficient you need better insulation and different building practices.

It's definitely going to save people in the long run but it does cost more up front.

Actual building materials had not increased in price, but building more energy-efficient homes used more of the materials.

It's generally getting dearer but the house is going to be more liveable.




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