Stats for the last quarter

Posted @ Feb 1st 2008 2:57pm - By GCPN Property Network
News 94

The last quarter has seen a record number of projects in the survey which shows the development industry on the Gold Coast and in South East Queensland in general is still performing well across all sectors.

This is despite the recent interest rate rises and the election which tend to see buyers holding off. Sales evidence proves that there is still enough confidence in the property market for buyers.

Sales have been up in 2007 on previous years which should mean that 2008 should improve dramatically and continue the up-swing until the next major property boom.

South East Queensland is still enjoying strong annual population growth with the latest figures pushing it ahead of Newcastle and into the position of Australia’s sixth largest city.

Although the Gold Coast has a strong local economy as well as low unemployment housing affordability is still looming as the biggest issue in the marketplace.

House and Land packages under $550,000 are being snapped up quickly by investors and owner occupiers and developers have been focusing on more Land releases as a far better option in this climate.

The Housing developments have been the most successful this quarter as we see more and more people moving to South East Queensland with money to spend.

This leaves them free of interest rate and affordability burdens. The election should see potential buyers slow up which has been proven with traffic significantly down in both open homes and apartment displays.

Consumers have historically been cautious around election times however we should see things improve again in the New Year



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